FOETAL MONITOR- Major Doppler Model
: It can detect foetal activity from 10
weeks onwards itself. This sturdy table model is ideal for Obstretic
/ Gynaecology departments of hospitals and maternity nursing homes. It
has high sensitivity and gives power output up to 1000 mWatts.
FOETAL MONITOR - Micro Doppler Model :This
handy pocket-size instrument is designed for visiting consultants
in Obstretics and Gynaecology. It gives a maximum power output of
500 mWatts and is useful for detection of foetal sounds from 12 weeks onwards.
BLOOD PRESSURE METER : Blood pressure measurement is extremely
simple using BIPITONE. No stethoscope is required and human errors in auscultation
is eliminated. BIPITONE is highly recommended for hypertensive patients
to keep a regular check of their blood pressure at home.It gives accurate
and consistent readings that conform to values obtained by standard mercury
MONITOR: Small, compact and
reliable, this instrument is very simple to use. A mini- sensor is strapped
on the patient’s chest/abdomen. As the subject breathes, LED flashes give
indication of the respiration rhythm. When the Apnea period
exceeds the preset value, an audio-visual alarm is given. The Apnea period
can be set at 10,20,30,60 or 120 seconds by a 5-way rotary switch. This
battery or mains operated instrument can be used on adults as well as neonates.
TELE-THERMOMETER: Single/Multi-Channel Models
A high precision, reliable device for continuous
monitoring temperature over a wide range from - 50 to 150 C.
It employs a multi-purpose easily steriliseable probe for skin, rectal
and esophageal use. From 2 to12 sensors/channels can be accomodated
in the instrument. These monitors are indispensable in:- anaesthesia,
cardiac surgery, hyperthermia, bio-research and pyrogen testing.
PULSE MONITOR :This instrument
employs a simple opto electronic sensor, conveniently strapped on the finger,
to give continuous indication of the pulse rhythm by LED flashes/beeps.
The rate is displayed on a digital meter in beats per minute. The
Pulse monitor works both on battery or mains supply. It is ideal
for continuous monitoring in operation theatres, I.C.units, biomedical/human
engineering studies and sports medicine.
Animal Activity Monitor incorporates highly sensitive electronic capacitive
sensors to detect vibratory movements on the platform of the animal
cage. It detects ambulatory movements as well as stereotypic activity like
grooming, scratching, digging, etc. It has wide applications in pharmacology,
experimental toxicology, psychology, neurology,physiology and entomology.
FIBRILLATOR : Specially designed
for Open-Heart Surgical procedures, it provides an adjustable alternating-
current to fibrillate the heart. The patient electrode is of 2-lead
isolated - type and can be easily autoclaved/sterilised. The fibrillation
current delivered to the patient is controlled by a rotary potentiometer
and displayed on a panel meter.The current capacity is from 0 to
15 milli-Amperes.