Condensed  Product  Catalogue
*Surgery*Medicine*Pharmacology*Gynaecology*Health Care*Biosciences*Research*Education
Detects foetal activity from 10 weeks onwards itself. This sturdy table model is ideal for Obstretic / Gynaecology departments of hospitals / maternity nursing homes.It has high sensitivity  and gives power output up to 1000 mWatts
ULTRASONIC FOETAL MONITOR  - Micro Doppler Model  Handy pocket-size  instrument  designed for visiting consultants in  Obstretics and Gynaecology.  It gives a maximum power output of  500 mWatts and is useful for detection of foetal sounds from  12 weeks  onwards. VASCULAR / BLOOD FLOW DOPPLER :
Indispensable for  vascular surgeons. Interchangeable probes of 2, 5 and 8 MHz are  provided : 2 MHz for Foetal/ large vessels ; 5 MHz for deep vein applications and 8 MHz for superficial examinations. 
STETHMATE:This electronic Stethoscope produces powerful and crystal-clear amplification of heart sounds, respiratory sounds and faint murmurs.  A special  noise-reduction circuitry minimizes external noises.  BIOMONITOR - Deluxe Model :Monitors  5 vital functions non-invasively : (1) Pulse rate and rhythm; (2) Respiration rate and rhythm ; (3) Temperature; (4) Systolic, Diastolic blood pressures; and  (5) Heart sounds..  BIOMONITOR - Economy Model : The Biomonitor  Economy model monitors 3 vital functions non-invasively: (1) Pulse rate and  rhythm; (2) Systolic, Diastolic blood pressures and (3) Heart sounds. 
ELECTRONIC BLOOD PRESSURE METER . Requires no stethoscope. Ideal for hypertensive patients to keep a regular check of their pressure at home. It gives accurate/consistent readings that conform to values got by standard mercury Sphygmomanometers DIGITAL PULSE MONITOR
A simple opto electronic sensor, strapped on the finger, gives continuous indication of the pulse rhythm/rate. It is ideal for operation theatres,I.C.units, biomedical, human engineering studies and sports medicine.
APNEA MONITOR:Useful in Neonatal ICU wards. The Apnea period can be set at 10,20,30,60 or 120 seconds by a 5-way rotary switch. This battery or mains operated instrument  can be used on adults as well as neonates.
PHONOCARDIOGRAPH :   Provides high-fidelity recording  of  heart sounds, respiratory sounds and  murmurs. It can be connected to an Oscilloscope or ECG /Graphic  recorder ; or, to an external tape recorder, amplifier/speaker system for group listening. ELECTROMYOGRAPH
EEC's low cost EMG  system is ideal for the study of muscle activity in research and evaluation therapy. The  EMG wave form can be displayed on a Oscilloscope or recorded by a Tape/UV recorder. 
SYRINGE  INFUSION PUMP  : Glass and disposable plastic syringes of all  sizes from 1 ml to 30 ml  can be used. Using  a digital thumb switch, flow rate can be adjusted from 1 to 99 ml/Hr. 
DIGITAL TELE-THERMOMETER Single/Multi-Channel Models: For continuous monitoring temperature over a wide range from - 50 to 150 C. These monitors are indispensable in  anaesthesia, cardiac surgery, hyperthermia, bio-research and  pyrogen testing. ANIMAL ACTIVITY MONITORIt detects ambulatory movements as well as stereotypic activity like grooming, scratching, digging, etc. It has wide applications in pharmacology, experimental toxicology, psychology, neurology , physiology and entomology. ELECTRONIC FIBRILLATOR Specially designed for Open-Heart Surgical procedures, it provides an adjustable alternating current  to fibrillate the heart. The  patient electrode is of 2-lead isolated - type and can be autoclaved/sterilised. The current capacity is from 0 to 15 milli-Amperes.
                            Peristaltic Pumps , Syringe Pumps, Dispensers 
Speciality Pumping Systems for :  Biosciences  * Scientific Research * Education  * Chemical/Pharmaceutical Industry
These  are completely  self-priming,  positive-displacement pumps  with no check valves or components in the fluid stream.Useful for sterile and other sensitive precision pumping situations. Flow rate range is from  1mL/Hr  to  100 L/Hr.
SYRINGE PUMPS :  Syringe pumps assure uniform flow of fluid by driving the plunger of  a syringe down its barrel.  Glass and Plastic syringes of all sizes from 1ml to 50  ml can be used. The flow rate range is from 0.1 mL/Hr to 500mL/Hr. AUTO DISPENSER / SAMPLER  : These  employ   3-Roller Peristaltic Pump heads controlled  by a  programmable On-Off Timer controller to deliver repeated doses into vials, bottling plants, culture tubes,etc. 
    Electronic   Engineering   Corporation
T-4, Dr.Vikram Sarabhai Estate, Chennai -600041 ,India .
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biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,scientific pumps,
health-care equipment, hospital equipment, stethoscope,
research equipment.Electromyograph,EMG,PCG,muscle activity,
Phonocardiograph,Digital Tele-Thermometer,PCG, E.M.G., P.C.G.,
Electronic Stethoscope,Blood Pressure Meter,B.P.monitor,
Pulse Monitor,Biomonitor,Cardiac Fibrillator,fibrillator,
Infusion Pump,Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor,foetal instrument,
Blood Flow Doppler,Animal Activity Monitor,doppler,steth,
Peristaltic pump, Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers,
activity monitor,ultrasonic foetal monitor, foetus monitor,
Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,surgical equipment,animal activity
medical instrument,Doctors supplies, biomedical,stethoscope,
health care instrument,diagnostic aid,pumps,doppler,electromyogram
hospital equipment,steth,electronic stethoscope,phonocardiogram
biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,steth,doppler
scientific pumps,health-care equipment, hospital equipment,
research equipment.Electromyograph,EMG, E.M.G.,Thermometer,
Phonocardiograph,Digital Tele-Thermometer,ultrasonic foetal monitor
Electronic Stethoscope,Blood Pressure Meter, PCG,medical equipment
Pulse Monitor,Biomonitor,Cardiac Fibrillator,steth,doppler,foetus,
Infusion Pump,Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor,stethoscope,foetal monitor,
Blood Flow Doppler,Animal Activity Monitor,medical instrument
Peristaltic pump, Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers,
Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,surgical instruments,
medical instrument,Doctors supplies, biomedical,stethoscope,
health care instrument,diagnostic aid,pumps,animal activity monitor
hospital equipment, steth, electronic stethoscope,foetal monitor.

EEC's Biomedical/Medical Electronic Instruments and Scientific Pumps