Biomedical  Instruments
Electronic Stethoscope 

Electronic Blood Pressure  

Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor 

Vascular/Blood Flow Doppler 


Digital Pulse Monitor 

Apnea Monitor 

Digital Tele-Thermometer 

Syringe Infusion Pump 



Cardiac Fibrillator 

Animal Activity Monitor 
Scientific Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps 

Syringe Pumps 

Automatic Fluid Dispenser/Samplers 


These are completely  self-priming, positive-displacement pumps with no check valves or components in  the fluid stream.The only material the fluid touches is the tubing  itself. Rated for continuous duty and useable from -100 to 120 C, these pumps can handle liquids,gases and slurries at pressure upto15 psi for gases and 40 psi for liquids. They pull vacuums upto 24" Hg.  Simply run a length of tubing from your reservoir, through the pump head and into your receiving container with no valves or fitting in the way. Because the tubing can be sterilised, the Peristaltic Pump is the ideal system for sterile and other sensitive precision pumping situations.  
The EEC Peristaltic System consists of three parts :  
1) the pump head; 
2) the Pump Controller and 
3) the tubing  itself. 

A variety of pumps are available to suit every application. Flow rate range is from  0.1mL/Hr to 100 L/Hr. 


PUMP HEADS :   The  2-Roller Head is made of polypropelene and has a steel  rotor, 2 stainless- steel  ball bearings and 2 Silicone coated rollers. It accepts tubing from 1 to 4 mm bore of 1.5mm wall  thickness. The 3-Roller Head is made of aluminium and has a steel rotor, 8 stainless -steel ball bearings and 3 aluminium rollers. The 3-Roller pump is specially designed  to reduce pulsations and give a smoother,  more uniform  flow pattern. The Pump Heads are driven with precision stepper Motors or D.C. Motors.They accept  any tubing from 1 to 7mm bore of 1.5mm wall thickness. 

Micro-Computer Controller :  A 3-Digit LED Digital Display indicates the pump speed/flow  rate.  The display reading can be adjusted by soft-touch Increase/Decrease keyboard switches from 0.1 to 100, in steps of 0.1;  and  from 100 to 500 in steps of  1. Thus the total flow  range with each tubing size can be varied from minimum to maximum  in 1400 steps. The timer can be programmed to operate the pump for any set period  from 1 minute to 24 Hours, in steps of 1 minute.  
Digital Thumbwheel Controller : A 2-Digit Thumbswitch is used to set the Pump speed/rate. The total flow range with each tubing size, can be adjusted from minimum to maximum from 1 to 99,  i.e. in  99 steps. 
Potentiometric Controller : A 10-turn Potentiometer is used to vary the flow rate from the minimum to maximum. A digital display indicates the speed/flow rate. 


            Electronic  Engineering   Corporation

 manufacturers of Biomedical/Medical Electronic Instruments & Scientific Pumps for 
 Surgery * Medicine * Pharmacology * Health  * Biosciences * Research * Education * Industry
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scientific pumps,research equipment. Peristaltic pump, Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers, pharmaceutical filling, scientific pumps,Fluid Dispensers, peristaltic pumping systems,automatic fluid infection system, accurate flow rate, Infusion Pump,Peristaltic pump,Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers,Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,roller pump,
 Contamination-Free, Aseptic Flow, 2-roller pump, dual roller pump, three roller pump,syringe pump, dual syringe pump,Precision Control of Flow Rate, Film coating of powders, pellets, spherules,tablets in pharmaceutical plants, fermentation, cell culture, filtration, food processing, beverage dispensing, processing of inks, photographic solutions and abrasive fluids,Chromatographic studies in Bio-Chemistry, Fraction  Collectors,Fluid Research,Fluid mechanics, Toxicology  Pharmacology,Biotechnology,Mining, Atomic Energy,Chemistry, Chemical dosing, accurate fluid delivery,precise  flow rate,scientific pumps,,research equipment. Peristaltic pump, Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers, pharmaceutical filling, scientific pumps,Fluid Dispensers, peristaltic pumping systems,automatic fluid infection system, accurate flow rate, Infusion Pump,Peristaltic pump, Syringe Pump and Automatic Fluid Dispensers/Samplers,