BIPITONE  Electronic  Blood  Pressure  Meter
 Biomedical Instruments
Electronic Stethoscope 

Electronic Blood Pressure  

Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor 

Vascular/Blood Flow  Doppler 


Digital Pulse Monitor 

Apnea Monitor 

Digital Tele-Thermometer 

Syringe Infusion Pump 



Cardiac Fibrillator 

Animal Activity Monitor  
Scientific Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps 

Syringe Pumps 

Automatic Fluid Dispenser/Samplers 


   For  easy  measurement  of  Systolic  and  
                               Diastolic  Blood  Pressures 
Bipitone gives  accurate and consistent blood pressure  readings that conform to values obtained by standard  mercury sphygmomanometers.
Blood pressure measurement is extremely simple using BIPITONE. No stethoscope is required and  human errors in auscultation is eliminated.  The method used is an electronic adaption of RIVA-ROCCI principle. Special cuff with multiple  sensors cover  a wide  pick-up  area to determine the blood pressure easily. BIPITONE is useful to doctors as well as for hypertensive patients  to keep a regular check of their blood pressure at home.  
Method of Operation 
Wrap the velcro cuff on the arm; and inflate bladder as usual. Press B.P. ON switch and gradually deflate cuff pressure at rate of 2 to3 mm/Hg. When the Systolic pressure is reached , the electronic beeper and the red LED flashes on the B.P.meter will start. As cuff pressure is further reduced, the beeps/flashes will stop to indicate the Diastolic pressure. 
Technical Specifications 
Measurement Method : Electronic adaption of RIVA ROCCI principle Blood Pressure Indication : Systolic - Flashing LED and beeper starts; Diastolic - Flashing LED and  beeper stops. Measurement Range: 20 to 300 mm/Hg; Sensor System : Multiple HIR Electrosteth transducers in cuff. Electronic Circuitry : Solid- State intergrated circuitry. Power Source : One 9 - Volt Alkaline battery : Duracell MN1604 - 6LR61 ; or  equivalent. Alternatively, 220 or 110 volts/50 Hz mains supply using optional battery eliminator ;  
Size/Weight: 4 x 3 x 1 ½  inches / 500 gms.
            Electronic  Engineering   Corporation

 manufacturers of Biomedical/Medical Electronic Instruments & Scientific Pumps for 
 Surgery * Medicine * Pharmacology * Health  * Biosciences * Research * Education * Industry
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biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,health-care equipment, hospital equipment, Blood Pressure Meter,B.P.monitor,blood pressure measurement,Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,surgical equipment,animal activity,medical instrument,hypertensive patient, hypertension,Doctors supplies, biomedical,stethoscope,health care instrument,diagnostic aid,blood pressure meter, healt-care , B.P.measurement,biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,Blood Pressure Meter, BP meter, systolic,diastolic blood pressure, diastolic pressure, systolic pressure, blood pressure, Karotkoff method,rivva-rocci,electronic sphygmomanometer,