Animal  Activity  Monitor
 Biomedical Instruments
Electronic Stethoscope 

Electronic Blood Pressure Instrument 

Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor 

Vascular/Blood Flow  Doppler 


Digital Pulse Monitor 

Apnea Monitor 

Digital Tele-Thermometer 

Syringe Infusion Pump 



Cardiac Fibrillator 

Animal Activity Monitor 
Scientific Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps 

Syringe Pumps 

Automatic Fluid  
Dispenser and Samplers 


Monitors  activity of  animals  in  bio-research 
The Animal Activity Monitor uses advanced  capacitive sensors to detect ambulatory movements as well as stereotypic  activity like grooming, scratching, digging, etc. 
It has adjustable sensitivity  control for different animal sizes/weight. It can be used for Ergometric and Convulsion studies. Clear acrylic transparent animal cages are provided in  different sizes for rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits.
Activity Monitor has wide application in Pharmacology and Experimental Toxicology,Psychology,Neurology,Physiology and Entomology. 
The Animal Activity Monitor incorporates highly sensitive electronic capacitive sensors to detect vibratory movements on the platform of the animal cage. The animal is placed inside an acrylic transparent cage that rests on the sensor platform. Testing can be conducted in complete darkness,or in bright sunlight. Ambient illumination is not a limiting factor as in most photocell activity monitors.It detects ambulatory movements as well as stereotypic activity like grooming, scratching, digging, etc. Vibrations caused by the animal activity produce proportional electrical signals. These are electronically processed to generate trigger pulses and drive a Digital Counter. Every count registered is accompanied by a flashing LED and beeper. The sensitivity of the animal activity monitor is adjustable as per user’s experimental requirements. 
An optional Timer is available to programme experiment  times from 1 to 99 minutes. 
    Technical  Specifications     /      Method of  Operation
Some International Research Publication / Papers  on this animal activity  monitor 
            Electronic  Engineering   Corporation

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All copy rights reserved.  E &.O. E.  
: Animal Activity Monitor uses advanced  capacitative  sensors, ambulatory movements,
stereotypic  activity , grooming,scratching,digging, animal  Ergometric, Convulsion studies.
animal cages, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits,convulsion monitor,biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,research equipment,muscle activity,Animal Activity Monitor,rat activity,
Activity Monitoring, biomedical research, animal activity, activity testing,Pharmacology and
Experimental toxicology, Entomology,activity,research instrument, convulsion monitor, animal activity,medical instrument,Animal Activity Monitor,pharmaceutical research, medical instrument,Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,animal activity monitor,biomedical equipment,
Animal Activity Monitor,capacitative  sensors, ambulatory movements monitor,activity monitor
stereotypic  activity,animal activity, Ergometric study, Convulsion studies,animal cages, activity of rats, mice activity, guinea pigs and rabbits activity,convulsion monitor,biomedical equipment,medical electronic instruments,research equipment,muscle activity,Animal Activity Monitor,rat activity, Activity Monitoring, biomedical research, animal studies, animal research,Pharmacology and Experimental toxicology,Entomology,activity,convulsion monitor, rat activity, activity of animal, research instrument,toxicology research,monitor,Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,animal activity,medical instrument,Animal Activity Monitor,medical instrument,Chennai,Manufacturer,exporter,India,animal activity monitor