Biomedical  Instruments
Electronic Stethoscope 

Electronic Blood Pressure  

Ultrasonic Foetal Monitor 

Vascular/Blood Flow Doppler 


Digital Pulse Monitor 

Apnea Monitor 

Digital Tele-Thermometer 

Syringe Infusion Pump 



Cardiac Fibrillator 

Animal Activity Monitor 
Scientific Pumps
Peristaltic Pumps 

Syringe Pumps 

Automatic Fluid Dispenser/Samplers 


 The  Phonocardiograph  records  mechanical 
 activity of  the heart  and lungs -   cardiac sounds, murmurs and respiratory sounds 
 EEC's  Phonocardiograph provides high-fidelity  recording  of  heart sounds, respiratory sounds and murmurs. It has a low noise and distortion- free amplifier with a built-in  speaker for audio monitoring.
The electronic sensor is placed on the subject’s chest. The FILTER selector and GAIN control is adjusted depending on the user’s requirement of pitch  and intensity. The heart sounds can be heard clearly on the speaker or binaurals, along  with audio-visual indication by  the flashing LED indicator. From the output sockets provided, the PCG unit can be connected to an Oscilloscope or ECG/Strip-chart recorder, to obtain the Phonocardiogram 

Specifications : 
Transducer :   Contact  type  MIR  sensor  
Phono-pre-amplifier: Matched to sensor with gain adjustable upto 5000. 
Frequency response  : 10 Hz to 2 KHz (+ 1db)  
Filter: Mass-Weber type with cut-offs at 1 Khz with slopes of 20 db, 30db, 40db and 60db per octave. Adjustable by 5-Way rotary switch. 
Ouput Level:  Audio-visual indication with light flashes and beeps.  
Output electrical signal available : 2 Volts peak to peak. 
Output impedance  :  Less than 100 ohms. 
Power Requirements : 220 or 110 volts/50 cycles, or external 12 volts D.C.  
Power Consumption: Less than 2 watts.  
Size/Weight: 42x30x12 Cms /3  Kgs. 

            Electronic  Engineering   Corporation

 manufacturers of Biomedical/Medical Electronic Instruments & Scientific Pumps for 
 Surgery * Medicine * Pharmacology * Health  * Biosciences * Research * Education * Industry
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All copy rights reserved.  E &.O. E.
KEYWORDS:heart sound recording, phonocardiograph,phonocardiogram,
stethoscope,auscultation,medical diagnosis,pcg, P.C.G.,diagnosistic instrument,
electronic stethoscope,systolic murmur,murmurs, heart sounds,P.C.G.
Hospital equipment,Medical practitioners instrument,doctors supplies,
medical electronic instrument,health care equipment,Doctors supplies
heart/respiration sounds,heart/respiration sounds,medical diagnosis,
electronic stethoscope,cardiologist,electronic stethoscope,heart sound recording
Heart/Respiration sounds,Murmurs,Phonocardiography,Phonocardiogram,
medical examination,diagnostic aid,PCG,P.C.G.